Thank you for your consideration and interest in becoming a TIG3R12 Clothing Brand Ambassador!

My name is Zahn and I am the owner and co-founder of TIG3R12. We opened our on-line store 10/1/2019, so we are an up-and-comer. However, we are strong out of the gate and hitting the world with a vengeance. I’m a long-time skater, snowboarder, MX’er, BMX’er, wake-surfer and have always enjoyed alternative extreme sports and the fashion within the industry. Stussy brand clothing, circa 1985-1995, was my biggest inspiration to start a streetwear brand reminiscent to that era.

Also, based on my fondness for this fitness industry, and the love and support we’ve received there, we are excited to also be starting a fitness line mid-2020.

This brand is different in a lot of ways in that we do not take ourselves too seriously, we strive for innovation, unique quality products and probably most importantly….there is no urgency for big profits or extraordinary growth. So let me clarify that. We absolutely want big growth and profits, but not at the expense of pandering, selling out or putting some consultant in the driver seat. We want to grow this business organically and cater to those that can relate to it. This business is designed to be sustainable for the long haul without profit.

Here’s another reason we’re different and why it’s important to focus on sustainability with minimal profit as the business blossoms. Our marketing strategy is Brand Ambassadors (AKA influencers), sponsorship of athletes and philanthropic endeavors. That takes money. What could be better than building a successful business while donating 100% of proceeds of a local event to an animal shelter -or- helping a kid get a new set of trucks and wheels for his skateboard? We want people who share this vision. People who are excited to get in on the ground floor of something that feels good…people who want to put in the work….people who are inspired and proud to represent this brand…..people who want to come up together….people who will share in the prosperity together.

So enough about me and what we’re about…..let’s talk about you why you are here. Chances are you are responding to an ad or was handed a business card. In the most simplified manner, here is a snapshot of what a Brand Ambassador/Influencer assignment looks like.

  • If you would like to submit photos for consideration, please email me directly @ You may send photos or provide a link if you already have a website with a gallery or social media page with relevant photos. Photos will be used for evaluation purposes only. They will not be shared or used for anything other than internally for candidate selection. Upon offering a Brand Ambassador opportunity we will provide and mutually agree on all details (clothing selection, photo criteria, payment terms, etc.) and execute a Consent & Release For Use Of Likeness Agreement.
  • In addition to a photo or link submission, please provide a brief narrative of why you are interested, name, city/state, age, height, weight, hobbies, unique qualities, social media influence and any other details that make you the best candidate.
  • In exchange for the sum of $50, the Brand Ambassador agrees to the terms of said agreement.
  • Brand Ambassador (hereinafter BA) agrees to provide a minimum of two photographs in the agreed upon articles of clothing provided by TIG3R12, Clothing LLC (hereinafter T12).
  • *Photos will be at agreed upon location(s) (e.g. beach, monument, landmark).
  • Photos provided must be originals and of usable quality/content.
  • BA must post both approved photographs (determined by T12) in two separate posts, on their social media page(s) (namely Facebook or Instagram) with approved content/text.
  • BA will include in their bio on said social media accounts that they are a “TIG3R12 Brand Ambassador” with a URL to the T12 web site ( for a minimum of 30 days from the time of their first posted picture pursuant to this agreement. This is negotiable if this creates a conflict for you.
  • Upon all of the above conditions being met, T12 will execute a $50 payment to the BA via PayPal, ACH, Zelle, Venmo or check.
  • BA is to represent TIG3R12 fairly and positively throughout agreement and make reasonable attempts to satisfy any disputes or concerns. BA understands they may be subject to lawsuit for any libel or defamation for any unjust derogatory commentary about TIG3R12.
  • BA affirms they are a minimum of 18 years old and may legally execute this agreement.
  • It is understood that this is not an offer of employment or guarantee of continued assignments.
  • The previous Consent & Release For Use Of Likeness Agreement shall remain in force for any subsequent/additional assignments proceeding the original.
  • T12 will only use photographs included as part of this BA agreement and the Consent For Use Of Likeness Agreement unless otherwise explicitly approved by the BA.

*It is important to note that in most cases we will just provide direction for the photos and you take them yourself. In some limited cases we will be on location to shoot the photo. Our objective is not “professional” level photography. We are much more interested in genuine, in the moment, less contrived photos where your sincerity in the brand is prominent in the photo.

Thank you again for you interest. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you soon!




Owner & Co-founder

TIG3R12 Clothing, LLC